Tuesday, February 5, 2008


My son is now 10++ years old. He is in Standard Five. I have been sending him to English tuition every Saturday.

For what purpose you may ask? I guess being a parent; I am trying to ensure that my son is not left behind in his academics. All for Survival of the Fittest!! Though both my husband and I communicate via the English language almost every single day of our adult lives, it does not seem to ‘rub’ on my son. We wonder why?

Is it due to shyness or insecurity or lack of self esteem to using the language? Ironically, most of his friends speak the language fluently. I always ask him why does he not reply them in English? He just gave me a stony silent. I got infuriated with his behaviour and therefore, decided to send him to an English class that will allow him to boost (more so) his self confidence to be able to communicate reasonably using the English language.

We found one tuition class in Bukit Jelutong. For all who does not know where Bukit Jelutong is, it is in Shah Alam. The class is similar to Victoria Readers (who are married and have children would be aware of this kind of offerings) basically does not stress on how correct your grammar is or anything related to the doctrines of the English language. The teacher basically promotes the usage in terms of speaking and reading as well as public speaking.

My son has improved quite remarkably. Though I still believe there are a lot more rooms for improvement. Still shy to speak – like my husband said he has a ‘firewall’ around him! But I still pray that over time, he does change his attitude towards the practice of the language.

So, since the gurus of SEV (kudos to Farith and Fakha) in their quest to promoting the English language among the SPIKERs and SEV team via blogging, I have decided as well to promote the practice in my home. I have requested (more forcing than request…J) that my son practice his writing via blogging. I told him to just to write anything that he wants. Created a blog for him and now, waiting for his first ‘masterpiece’.

Write son, write…!!


joe razali said...

For the cikgu sekolah is always the reason why some kids refused or are ashamed to talking english. Case in point let me tell you a story of my anak saudara whom all are natural born americans. speak english with that american accent and I'd consider some of the smartest kids I've encountered with. But recently my uncle decided to came back to Malaysia, The kids was enrolled into a Sekolah Kebangsaan and that is when the nightmare begins. The teacher rasa rendah diri at my anak saudara accent that they decided to call the parent and ask them to speak like the way most Malaysian did which i found to be utterly ridiculous.

Same thing happened to me when I was in school, Some teacher taught the language I was using was too bombastic for most and she asked me to cut down on using those, to not confuse the other kids.

Ain't that ridiculous?

Fakha said...

it saddens me and i guess most of us that the current culture of 'our' society is not that positive or receptive to accept the use of English. it is in NO way that by using the language, we are forgoing our 'mother tounge' ... i think more awareness should be done on this.

I sallute all the efforts you guys are doing. aida now is enforcing in her family, i think we should all do the same....