Friday, January 25, 2008

the callousness of time management

i have been doing a lot of thinking for some time. How I sometimes disregard and has a callous attitude towards respecting time.

Time for family, time for friends and even worse, time for myself!!! My mum has been in the hospital for the past 3 weeks. As a dutiful daughter, I have made a point to visit her on a weekly basis. Though I have been wanting to make a point to spend more time with her, but I can't. Not that I cannot stand the hospital, but the endless nagging.

My mum, in her pain, can still do what God has made her to do. Not that I care much, I need a break from all that nagging!! I am a mother of two and I sometimes wonder, if I do the same to my children??? May be I do and may be I don't. Then again, who am I to judge??

hmmm...back to the real reason why i wrote this posting. It is all about time! I have not made time for friends who are always there when I am in need. A friend that is extremely sick. She has been admitted into hospital for the last 2 months and I did not make an effort to go and see her. I am so ashamed of myself.

Now, she is back home. And, I still have not make the effort!! I am making an excuse of her not able to see me due to fear of getting an infection. She just gone through a stem cell transplant. The contact with outside people might lead to her getting an infection and slowing down her progress to recovery.

So..sometimes, I do not know what to do with myself. Aida, buck up!!! There is more to world than work and your own family. We live in a community...and need to learn to appreciate and be thoughtful of others more...


joe razali said...

The same goes for myself. I used to thought that I dont have enough time to do anything at all. But after realizing that all those billionaires have 24 hours a day just like the rest of us but still can make billions of dollars. I truly believe execution is everything, dont delay anything at all if possible.

Fakha said...

what? those billionaires have the same 24hrs we have.... are you sure??? i though they had 42 hrs mmmmm hahahhaha.. YES peple, we all have the same amount of time but we never use them efficient and effectively... that goes to me as well. if we are efficient then, we should always pray when the azan is called, submit all deliverables on time, have time for our families and friends etc...

this reminds me of a story i received in an email (i hope i can summarise it well). the story goes.... (as a matter of fact, i think i will tell it to you all during one of our weekly meetings. remind me please).